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Online-Kurs: FA international – English Book Club

Dozentin: Mirjam Mahler

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English Book Club at the Frauenakademie vh Ulm
Open to all women

English Book Club online at the Frauenakademie vh Ulm
Open to all women

Since 2016 the English Book Club has been an important part of the international activities at the Frauenakademie (Women’s Academy, a lifelong learning offering by the vh Ulm).
To adapt to the demands of our modern lifestyle the course is now offered as an online activity via Zoom.

»If you find a book you really want to read but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.«
Toni Morrison, Nobel Prize Winner 1993

One of the most enjoyable things about reading is sharing our love of books with other people. And that's what Book Club is about! We focus on fiction originally written in English but also read non-fiction, memoirs etc.

In our Book Club we agree on a book to read from a list of suggestions. Then, after we've read it, we'll meet and discuss our experiences of reading and share what we have learned, how the books we read change our views.

If, like me, you enjoy reading and talking, please join us for Book Club!
Meet new people! Read new books!

We read books that have been banned from libraries and learning curriculums.

Our first book is Our Missing Hearts by Celeste Ng, a fictional approach to the subject of banned books.

The next titles will be selected by the group.

You can join in at any time, we discuss a new book every session.

The next meetings will take place on

March 7
April 11
May 2
June 13

Datum | Uhrzeit
4-mal (8 Unterrichtsstunden) |
Beginn: 07.03.2024 | 19:00 bis 20:30 Uhr
Kurs/Veranstaltung muss leider entfallen

Zoom, Frauenakademie




Kirsten Tretter
Tel. 0731 1530-40


8 - 15 Teilnehmer*innen
Kurs ausgefallen


39,00 €

keine Anmeldung möglich
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